2nd Trimester

6:49:00 AM

The second trimester was definitely easier than the first. My first trimester I was very sick, not to say I didn't get sick this trimester it just wasn't as often...thankfully!!! I was able to work out and actually make it past 8:00 at night before I would fall asleep.  I am up 14 lbs from original weight and 20 lbs if you add in what I lost first trimester.  Definitely growing.

Here I am at exactly half way 20 weeks. We just found out we are having a girl!!!!  We decided to decorate the room in pink and gold, so that has been coming together little by little. 
Here are some wall art I found at Hobby Lobby. 
Received a few more items over the beak and things are coming together. (Disregard the knobs on the dresser.  We are using the same furniture from P's room and he got "big boy" furniture.)
I always thought people who were pregnant in the winter were so lucky! My first time I was pregnant in the summer and it was pretty miserable in the heat. Come to find out there are pros and cons to both. In the summer I do not have to work! Huge plus when you are six months pregnant, tired, do not want to be on your feet, and have nothing business casual that fits. In the summer I could throw on my swim suit and a cover up and call it a day.  Although it was hot in the summer the weather never caused me to get sick.  In the winter the layering of clothes are cute but I am limited on what fits.  With this possibly being our last pregnancy I do not want to invest in a ton of clothing. The winter weather has caused it very hard to breathe especially at night. Pregnancy causes a little bit of a stuffy nose on it's own, but add cold winter air and it is almost impossible to sleep. 
Here are a few of my winter outfits.  Although it seems like I am grumpy or complaining I cannot forget how long we tried to get pregnant with our second.  I want to remember and say how grateful we are to have the ability to conceive and carry.
I am really excited for April to get here so we can meet our little girl.  Discover what God has in store for us in a life of two children. 

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