2016 Goals

2:56:00 PM

This past January Drew and I set a few goals for ourselves.  I can happily say we have successfully completed both goals!!

The first goal was to read through the entire Bible in one year.  I had never read through the entire Bible consecutively and I am sure there are many books in the Bible I had never even opened.  At first this seemed to be an easy task considering I loved the idea of having a Bible reading daily.  The reading was easy to complete the first month, but shortly after the devil was trying to distract me from completing my goal.  I learned to be flexible in my time and reading schedule.  As long as I was reading and trying to stay close to on schedule then I would still be able to complete my task.  I learned so many things about God's plan for us and how amazingly everything in the Bible fits together.  It is hard for me to fathom that the Bible is completely made up with how well everything fits together.

The second goal we set for ourselves was pay off debt!!! I will tell you more on how we accomplished this here, but know that with a little teamwork and ALOT of commitment we paid off $26,000+ in just one year!!!!!

So excited to see what God has in store for us in 2017.  Not exactly sure what goals I will set for this year, outside of continuing to pay off debt.

Happy New Year!!

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