Branson on a whim

2:18:00 PM

Last weekend I received a coupon in the mail to Silver Dollar City for $40 for the entire day.  I already have a pass, but I currently did not have any free passes for Drew.  When I saw this on Friday night I mentioned it to Drew, but didn't think too much of it.  The next morning we were getting ready to run our errands and I said "We should go to Branson today!"  (Not thinking he would ever say yes...)  He said "Let's do it."  To make things even more spontaneous his parents decided to go with us.  We drove down around 1pm and got there around 5pm.  Checked into our hotel.  I was unsure if the after 7pm next day free rule would work with our coupons, but we tried and it did!  We were able to go Saturday night and all day Sunday.  This was a blessing, because the time on Google stated the park opened at 10am on Sunday and it did not open until 1pm.

This was the first day of the season for Christmas lights, so when we arrived the parade had just ended and it seemed like mass chaos.  Once the crowd cleared out, most people went home and we had the park to ourselves.

Only a few pictures from the weekend, but it was a blast spending time with family.  If you go to Silver Dollar City through the Holidays I would suggest you ride the train!  I'm pretty sure I cried.

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