Parker Anne Six months

9:01:00 PM

Parker is half a year old! It is crazy to think how fast time goes.

Feeding: We are still feeding the same bottle schedule 7:30, 10:30, 1, 4, 6 and 8.  Each feeding had been 5 oz per bottle but lately Parker has had a dip in her appetite.  She does not want to be on a schedule and she does not want to eat her entire bottle at once.  This could be from being ill for the past few weeks.  She is also easily distracted so feeding has become a difficult task especially when having to feed in public under the breastfeeding cover,
We started puréed food at night.  Currently her favorite food is apples.  We have tried green beans, corn, sweet potatoes, apples, and bananas.  

Sleep: Our sleep length has changed since I went back to work.  At one time she was sleeping 12 hours straight.  Currently she is sleeping from 8-3:30 then eating and back to sleep until 6am when we go to work. 

Likes: Playing with toys in the bathtub, sitting at the dinner table in her high chair, reading books (or chewing on them), chewing on everything, placing everything in her mouth, watching Porter

Dislikes: Getting into the car seat, taking her toys away, getting out of the bathtub

Parker said her first word and it was Momma!

Airplane with daddy.
S'mores with mommy.
Saturday morning play time.
Hugs from brother.

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